
Skystream Firmware v2.02 and Skyview 2.0 Is EXCELLENT!

Well, I have had my windmills up since October, and electricity production has been great. My only beef is with the Electric COOP who refuses to do net billing, so my ROI is now 17 years as opposed to 7. But now, with the new firmware version, the rated output of my generators have been bumped from 1.9KW up to 2.4KW. That's a greater than 25% boost from firmware alone. That is really cool. An added bonus is that it does not cut out in small wind gusts. It used to be when I would get 25-30mph winds, the turbines would often cut out due to gusts, but after the upgrade I have yet to witness the turbines shutting down, even when we had tornadoes in the area last week.
The output of these windmills has been awesome. In the 5 months I have had them up, I have only used 3000 KWh from the COOP and pushed 2000 KWh in excess back up. In the winter time I typically use 1800-2000 KWh per month, and over the course of the year I average 1300 to 1500 KWh per month.
I should see a better return over the months that I don't have to run heat or AC. But in either case, the new firmware upgrade should accelerate my ROI.

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