
Planned Parenthood abortion clinics provide protection for child molesters, sexual predators

Planned Parenthood abortion clinics provide protection for child molesters, sexual predators
Instead of reporting child abuse, as required by law, abortion clinics are willing to conceal adult-child sex in order to profit off of victims of child sexual abuse.

Who profits financially in cases of child sex abuse?
The dirty little secret is that Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation know they will sell more abortions, more birth control products and more treatments for sexually transmitted diseases when they turn a blind eye to child rape. Men involved with minors need to conceal these sexual relationships, so they take their underage victims to clinics that offer minors confidential abortion services and birth control. When Planned Parenthood and other family planning service providers ignore child abuse reporting laws, they help these men to continue their ongoing sexual abuse of children

Yates NOT Guilty?? - Sean Hannity Discussion

Yates NOT Guilty - Sean Hannity Discussion:
Our society as a whole cannot fathom a 'sane' person making such evil decisions as did Andrea Yates, so we feel better as a society when we say "oh she must have been 'sick' or 'insane'"

The truth is, all we have to go on is the fact that the criminal act was perpetrated by Yates, and whether we believe her to be of sound mind and body or not, we KNOW that she has done this, and thus it should be society's responsibility to remove her as a threat to the livelihood and very lives of others. Some will say "do you think she she'd possibly do something like this again?" jokingly of course, but did anyone expect she would do this the first time?

Instead, it is now left up to a psychiatrist to determine WHEN she is 'sane' enough to be injected back into society, when in fact some psychiatrist determined BEFORE these event that she was 'sane' enough to remain in society.

The insanity defense IS injustice, and must be removed from our courtrooms if we have any expectation for justice to be served in our courts of law. All the insanity defense does is make it possible for the vilest of criminals to be allowed back into society, unchecked.

Feminist NOW Funding Pays Off - Yates Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity - Murderess Goes Free

BREITBART.COM - Yates Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

In a startling development, Andrea Yates, darling of the National Organization for Women, goes free. Thanks to funding from NOW, precedent is set for any woman to murder her children and get off scot-free. Congratulations, NOW, you have robbed justice and spit on the graves of these five children, and put their murderer on a pedestal.